Terms for Membership at HULK

  1. When you sign up as a member of HULK- Hela Uppsalas Landhockeyklubb (“HULK”) you will be registered for the season (Fall or Spring).
  2. Every player that plays at HULK has to be insured to play field hockey at our activities and at any other hockey-related event organized by HULK (license fee and insurance details are determined by SWE3). This means every player has to register themselves as a member at HULK before participating in any activity. The membership fee is determined at the annual general assembly. The activity fees are set by the board of HULK and can be changed any time but not without prior notice to the members.
  3. The member confirms their registration by paying the membership fee. This is a formal agreement between the player and HULK to be an official member for one season.
  4. The member confirms their participation in the activities for one term by paying the activity fee. This is a formal agreement between the player and HULK to be entitled to participate in the activities for one term.
  5. Invoices will be sent out twice during the year. In the spring and in the autumn term. Changes in the billing cycle can be made by the decision of the board. It will be announced when new activity fees are set.
  6. Membership fees and activity fees can be found on the website (Fees). The activity fees are set prior to every billing period by the board of HULK. The fees will be announced in advance.
  7. In order to participate in official matches of SWE3, you must sign-up as a member of HULK before playing any games.

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